The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) in partnership with the University of Turin (Faculties of Law and Economics) offer a Master of Science (MSc) in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development that explores the legislative, regulatory, organisational and managerial foundations of a modern Public Procurement System. The programme is designed as a blended learning opportunity that combines policy/theory prescriptions with applied assignments and research work. It provides participants with direct access to expertise from academia, international organizations, think tanks and the private sector. It prepares them for a range of executive and managerial functions connected with public procurement management and supervision.
The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) in partnership with the University of Turin (Faculties of Law and Economics) offer a Master of Science (MSc) in Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development that explores the legislative, regulatory, organisational and managerial foundations of a modern Public Procurement System. The programme is designed as a blended learning opportunity that combines policy/theory prescriptions with applied assignments and research work. It provides participants with direct access to expertise from academia, international organizations, think tanks and the private sector. It prepares them for a range of executive and managerial functions connected with public procurement management and supervision.
The overall objective of this Master’s programme is to help bridge the current deficit in qualified human resources and to enable procurement professionals to cope with the challenges of regulating, executing and monitoring public procurement in an economic and socially responsive manner.
The core faculty of the programme is composed of Professors from the University of Turin and other eminent universities worldwide in addition to procurement specialists from ITC/ILO, UN system organizations and public and private sectors’ procurement professional bodies.
The pre-requisite for admission to the course is to hold a Bachelor’s degree (of minimum three years’ duration) or a Master’s degree in public administration, engineering, law and social sciences or related discipline. The validity of non-Italian degrees must be recognized under Italian laws and regulations. The programme is offered in English. In order to attend the Master’s programme, each participant must demonstrate a working knowledge of the English language.
Interested candidates should complete and submit the on-line application form, available on the Master’s website: no later than 30 September 2011.
The application form can also be submitted by mail or fax to: International Training Centre of the ILO Management of Development Programme
Viale Maestri del Lavoro 10, 10127 Turin, Italy
Tel. (39 011) 69 36 948 - Fax.: (39 011) 69 36 351
E-mail: - Web site: