The Final Report of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) entitled "Shaping the Future We Want" prominently refers to the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD as a success on a global scale! The Strategy was endorsed in May 2014 by the UfM Ministers in charge of Environment and Climate Change. The Report was formally presented by UNESCO's Director General in Nagoya during the Opening Ceremony of the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development.
The Final Report of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) entitled "Shaping the Future We Want" prominently refers to the Mediterranean Strategy on ESD as a success on a global scale! The Strategy was endorsed in May 2014 by the UfM Ministers in charge of Environment and Climate Change. The Report was formally presented by UNESCO's Director General in Nagoya during the Opening Ceremony of the World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development.
©Ai Ito, Mansai Nomura performing traditional Japanese Kyogen at the opening of the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Aichi-Nagoya, November 2014.
This report is in fact the final monitoring and evaluation of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), which has activated hundreds of thousands of people to reorient education globally towards a central goal: to learn to live and work sustainably. ESD has spread across all levels and areas of education, in all regions of the world and is widely considered key in supporting sustainable development. It mentions that "Perhaps one of the most significant lessons learned during the Decade is that strong political leadership is instrumental to advancing ESD. Leadership is essential for moving from policy commitments and demonstration projects to full implementation across the curriculum, teaching and operations, whether in formal systems or in non-formal learning and public awareness raising."
Through the technical, political and financial support of the H2020 Initiative, the region was able to show this leadership role in terms of the Mediterranean Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development. On page 37, under the heading of "Policy: ESD Actions around the World" the first entry is "The Mediterranean Strategy on ESD (MSESD)". The Strategy, Horizon 2020 and the UfM are again mentioned on page 47.
A Horizon2020 publication in English, French and Arabic dedicated to the MSESD is also available at:
You can in addition access the Aichi-Nagoya Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development here.