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News Flash no. 6
16 July 2012
The H2020 Initiative
The "Horizon 2020 Initiative" aims to de-pollute the Mediterranean by the year 2020 by tackling the sources of pollution that account for around 80% of the overall pollution of the Mediterranean Sea: municipal waste, urban waste water and industrial pollution.
To implement and monitor actions three working groups were created to address:
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H2020 reports progress and proposes follow-up for de-polluting the Mediterranean
The Steering Committee of the Horizon 2020 Initiative to de-pollute the Mediterranean by 2020 met in Barcelona on 19 April 2012 for its 5th meeting since 2008, bringing together the majority of the participating country representatives and the key regional environmental actors such as the European Commission, the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat, the Mediterranean Action Plan of UNEP and its Regional Activity Centers, the European Investment Bank, regional associations of local authorities, NGOs, and others.
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The H2020 Pollution Reduction Sub-Group and the MeHSIP-PPIF
MeHSIP-PPIF at the 5th H2020 Steering Group
The MeHSIP-PPIF team had the opportunity to present progress made to date and engage in fruitful exchanges on the investment component during the 5th H2020 Steering Group and the Pollution Reduction Core Group meetings that took place in Barcelona on 18-19 April (2012). Specifically, the MeHSIP-PPIF:
- Reported on the H2020 Pipeline demonstrating a steady increase in the investment needs. Strengthened reporting on the projects that have secured financing and are a part of the H2020 Project List, was highlighted in the discussions.
- Presented progress on ongoing feasibility studies for 4 priority investment projects in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia.
- Briefed participants on its cooperation with the other H2020 components: knowledge management (EEA) and capacity building (CB/MEP).
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The H2020 Capacity Building Sub Group and the CB/MEP
The 3rd Meeting of the H2020 Sub-Group on Capacity Building took place on the 18th of April 2012
Almost all partner countries and numerous stakeholders, participated in the 3rd Meeting of the H2020 Capacity Building Sub-Group There was an overall positive response from the countries and stakeholders with a demonstrated ownership of the capacity building and environmental integration activities and benefits gained. The main merits were identified to be: (a) the strong links with country/stakeholder demands and national priorities; (b) the practical/tangible approach followed in addressing short and medium term needs; (c) flexibility in adapting to emerging needs (programming, accepting additional trainees, etc.) and (d) commitment of countries/H2020 Focal Points and EU Delegations’ involvement.
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The H2020 Review, Monitoring and Research (RMR) Sub Group and the ENPI/SEIS
The ENPI-SEIS Working Group on Environmental Indicators met in Barcelona on 18 April 2012
Building on the output of the ENPI-SEIS country visits and the follow-up from the Horizon 2020 Review, Monitoring and Research Sub-group meeting held on 30-31 March 2011, the ENPI-SEIS Working Group on Environmental Indicators, established in early 2012, held its first meeting in Barcelona, on April 18th, the day before the H2020 Steering Group Meeting. The objective of the Working Group (WG) on Environmental Indicators is, whilst focusing on selected indicators at the heart of the countries’ pilot exercises to advance on SEIS developments, to also identify and develop an articulated list of potential indicators which could provide a consistent baseline of information from across the region to measure and compare progress made under the Horizon 2020 initiative thus supporting the process of regular reporting on the Mediterranean.
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A Workshop on Water Accounts and Statistics for Mediterranean Countries was held in Beirut (March 2012)
In the framework of the European Union (EU) funded project “Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) in the European Neighbourhood” (ENPI-SEIS project) implemented by the European Environment Agency (EEA), and the follow up on the implementation of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) project on building capacities in environment statistics, indicators and accounts (2007-2010), the EEA, UNSD and UN-ESCWA held a Workshop on Water Accounts and Statistics for Mediterranean Countries at the UN House in Beirut, Lebanon, 20-22 March 2012.
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Copyright © 2012, The Horizon 2020 Initiative. This project is funded by the European Commission through DG EuropeAid.
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