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News Flash no. 4
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The H2020 Pollution Reduction Sub-Group and the MeHSIP-PPIF
Investment projects: Laying the groundwork
Feasibility studies in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia indicate that project support is moving fast. More priority investment projects are currently seeking funding and are now under discussion in partner countries. (Read more here)
Elaboration of a Hot Spot Inventory for the West Balkans and Turkey under Horizon 2020
The Hot Spot Inventory for the West Balkans and Turkey now completed
The Hot Spot Inventory for the West Balkans and Turkey identifying environmental investments and appropriate funding sources for the de-pollution of the Mediterranean by 2020 has already been completed. (Read more here)
The H2020 Capacity Building Sub Group and the CB/MEP
Over 900 decision makers, professionals, NGOs, and other stakeholders trained in a year’s time
Since September 2010, over 900 decision makers, professionals, NGOs, and other stakeholders from the 14 partner countries have benefited from the systematic and comprehensive Horizon 2020 capacity building process. The evaluation results of the regional, sub-regional and national trainings, which include lectures, presentations, discussions, exercises, use of software, audiovisual materials and on-site visits, have so far been very positive and the proposals for further improvement are taken into consideration for future planning. Read more on past and upcoming trainings.
The H2020 Review, Monitoring and Research (RMR) Sub Group and the ENPI/SEIS
2nd Meeting of the H2020 RMR Sub Group: follow-up actions underway
The detailed draft report of the meeting is available here. Furthermore, the EEA has prepared a first draft outline of the pilots on the basis of the discussions and the UNEP/MAP indicator proposal. Following the consultation period, the approach and outline proposed have been agreed and the pilots will be developed at different levels: national, sub-regional and regional. To read the draft outline for the pilots follow the link.
ENPI-SEIS scouting for pilots
ENPI-SEIS has already travelled to five countries in the South identifying networks to formulate possible pilot actions. The first three pilots under consideration will cover information needs in Algeria, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, while a fourth one concerns a pilot on marine pollution in Israel. (Read more here)
Copyright © {date:%Y}, The Horizon 2020 Initiative. This project is funded by the European Commission through DG EuropeAid.
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