Following a consultation period after the second H2020 Review, Monitoring and Research (RMR) Sub-Group meeting, held at the EEA premises in March 2011, an outline for the proposed pilots to report on progress in the three H2020 priority areas has been agreed and was further discussed with the countries during the Steering Committee meeting in November 2011. The outline is available here
The proposal for developing pilots, and thus contributing also to the identification of a selection of measurable indicators for the three priority areas, was taken up by several countries and will be supported through specific ENPI-SEIS activities.
As a continuation of the H2020 RMR sub-group and following the discussions of the Steering Committee a core group with country representatives from ENP South will be brought together.
The objective of this group on indicators is to concretely work on a manageable set of indicators and to steer and facilitate the pilot collection of the data within the countries. The group will meet twice during 2012 - first meeting is foreseen in June 2012.
A first review of progress - contributing also to measuring progress under the H2020 Initiative – is to be presented at the next H2020 RMR meeting.