Regarding the implementation of projects to prevent the Mediterranean Sea against pollution, the Union for the Mediterranean has drafted in 2013 a clear and updated picture of the investment portfolio in Jordan and the 21 countries bordering the Sea, based on the UNEP/MAP depollution Strategic Action Plan (SAP 2003) and National Action Plans – NAPs (2005).
Regarding the implementation of projects to prevent the Mediterranean Sea against pollution, the Union for the Mediterranean has drafted in 2013 a clear and updated picture of the investment portfolio in Jordan and the 21 countries bordering the Sea, based on the UNEP/MAP depollution Strategic Action Plan (SAP 2003) and National Action Plans – NAPs (2005).
The portfolio is made of all projects either mentioned in the NAPs or needed to reach the 2025 targets agreed upon within the UNEP/MAP process through the 2003, 2009 and 2012 regional plans: more than 900 investment projects or needs are identified in the 3 sectors of waste water, solid waste and industrial emissions, either already operational, under construction, planned or to be developed in the future. More than just a list, this brings valuable information attached to each project such as location, size, reduction of pollutants’ loads, status of implementation and funding, cost.
Although sometimes blurred because of information gaps, this picture shows that significant achievements have been made since 2006, not only in the European Union but also in some countries of the South or willing to enter the EU. Nearly half of the 127 pollution “hot spots” defined in 2003 are likely to be “cleaned” thanks to the investment projects operational or under construction. Nevertheless, some countries show insufficient rhythm of investment to reach the 2025 targets; therefore, additional funds are needed for projects preparation and “clean production” measures - such as reduction of pollution at source - are to be strengthened.
Next steps for the UfM Secretariat will be to select the most impacting and exemplary projects from a regional point of view, so as to support them through the UfM labelling process. Work sessions with some non-EU countries will be organized, implemented jointly with UNEP/MAP, so as to (i) fill the information gaps or replace estimations by accurate data - which is quite important in some countries or regarding the industrial sector - and (ii) select investment projects for which the promoter is interested in getting the UfM label and then support the selected projects.