For a cleaner Mediterranean by the year 2020
This initiative is funded by the European Commission through DG EuropeAid.

The Horizon 2020 Capacity Building Sub-Group contributes to the Mid-term review

on 05 Mar 2014.

The 4th Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Capacity Building Sub-Group took place in Brussels, 19 November 2013. The main aim was to report and evaluate the progress of the H2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (CB/MEP), which is the EU funded project supporting the implementation of the H2020 capacity building component. The Mid-Term Evaluation undertaken by an external evaluator (see above) was also discussed by the sub group.

The 4th Meeting of the Horizon 2020 Capacity Building Sub-Group took place in Brussels, 19 November 2013. The main aim was to report and evaluate the progress of the H2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (CB/MEP), which is the EU funded project supporting the implementation of the H2020 capacity building component. The Mid-Term Evaluation undertaken by an external evaluator was also discussed by the sub group.

The overall outcome of the meeting was that the project has delivered quite well, sufficiently addressing the needs of the countries with a good level of expertise and sound logistical support. Its careful design and the ownership generated had as a result a negligible negative impact by the political turmoil in the region, with the exception of Syria and Libya. Areas for improvement that were identified mainly had to do with the nomination of appropriate trainees, the trainings follow up in the countries and better coordination with the other components of Horizon 2020.




Stakeholders addressed.


A tour de table and discussion on recommendations for the 2014-2020 phase of Horizon 2020 and providing input to the UfM Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Change of 2014 led to a list of recommendations that are included in the final Summary Report of the meeting (

Meanwhile, the Capacity Building programme of Horizon 2020 will continue till the end of October 2014 with over 20 more activities. The indicative calendar of events can be advised at

All Horizon 2020 capacity building activities can be seen at;view=calendar&Itemid=28, while full descriptions and resources of past activities are available at