To enhance access to information, data identified for the development of the selected Horizon 2020 indicators will be reported by the ENP-South partner countries via the EEA Reportnet tool. This tool is being used in order to assist countries in their data reporting tasks as well as for supporting and improving the environmental data and information flows.
To enhance access to information, data identified for the development of the selected Horizon 2020 indicators will be reported by the ENP-South partner countries via the EEA Reportnet tool. This tool is being used in order to assist countries in their data reporting tasks as well as for supporting and improving the environmental data and information flows.
Specific data descriptions based on international standards and classifications were produced for the datasets needed for the indicators related to water and waste including clear guidance to ensure the preparation of the data in a harmonised way. ENP-South Partner countries are now able to access data descriptions together with table templates on Reportnet on:
- Wastewater collection and treatment,
- Municipal waste generation, collection and treatment and
- Share of population with access to an improved sanitation system.
For data related to industrial emissions, more guidance is under development in cooperation with UNEP/MAP in order to make use of the existing reporting mechanism under the Barcelona Convention.
This first reporting exercise is coordinated at national level by the ENPI-SEIS National Focal Points and supported by the setting-up of a national network of thematic expertise.