Four country missions were organized by MeHSIP-PPIF to get first hand information on the state of play of the Horizon 2020 investment projects with secured financing. The missions took place in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia and are part of the validation exercise undertaken in close coordination with the European Commission, the Union for the Mediterranean Secretariat, the European Investment Bank, UNEP/MAP and the SWIM project. Similar missions to Morocco, Israel and Palestine will be conducted during the next quarter.
At the “Pollution Reduction Core Group” meeting held in Barcelona on the 18th April 2012, it was agreed by all participants that factual knowledge of the status of the depollution investment projects that have already secured financing would be of great value to the EC, IFIs/Donors, UNEP/MAP, UfM and other organisations steering the H2020 process. This would allow for a more holistic overview of executed, ongoing and planned pollution reduction projects in the south and east Mediterranean region and also help evaluate the positive impact that these projects had on eliminating UNEP/MAP identified Hot Spots and therefore reducing pollution into the Mediterranean Sea.
The aim of the assignment is to obtain information on the progress achieved on projects that have already secured funding. This will also include useful information on the time needed at every phase of the implementation process, what aspects have impacted the preparation, implementation or operation positively and negatively, and if completed, whether the projects demonstrate a tangible level of sustainability as well as a clear pollution reduction impact.
MeHSIP-PPIF has conducted the first in-country missions (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Tunisia) and is planning to conduct similar missions to Morocco, Israel and Palestine during the next quarter. MeHSIP-PPIF is undertaking this exercise in close coordination with the consultant team recently appointed by UfMS to “Update priority investment projects for protecting the Mediterranean Sea from pollution”. Furthermore, MeHSIP-PPIF is also working together with the TA team implementing “Sustainable Water Integrated Management – Support Mechanism” (SWIM-SM / EU-funded) to draw on their expertise and resources to carry out verification missions to projects that have reached operating phase. The initial survey of the ‘financing secured’ project (currently 50 in number) and accompanied snapshot of these projects will be completed by MeHSIP-PPIF before thr end of 2013.