For a cleaner Mediterranean by the year 2020
This initiative is funded by the European Commission through DG EuropeAid.

H2020 Capacity Building Sub Group

on 02 Mar 2017.

The mandate given to the Capacity Building Sub Group by the 2nd Meeting of the H2020 Steering Group (Tunis, 16 June 2008) was to identify areas within the scope of H2020 (urban waste water, municipal solid waste and industrial emissions) where regional capacity building would add value.

The activities identified should be complementary and consistent with other initiatives in the Mediterranean region that may be tackling similar or related issues. They should build upon the results of earlier capacity-building programmes and complement activities carried out at national level and in national assistance programmes.

To support the CB Sub Group's work the ENPI Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) was implemented from late 2009 until 2014. 

The current activities of the Sub Group are supported by the EU-funded Sustainable Water Integrated Management – Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism project (SWIM-Horizon2020 SM).